Acidity Problems? 14 Home Remedies That Can Help

Symptoms of Acidity Are:

  • Pain and burning sensation in the chest, stomach or throat
  • Flatulence or Gas
  • Indigestion
  • Bad Breath
  • Constipation
  • Nausea or feeling of vomiting
  • Heaviness in the stomach after eating
  • Frequent burps
  • Regurgitation of undigested food coming back in our mouth

Common causes of Acidity:

  • Over-eating
  • Eating at odd times or skipping meals
  • Unhealthy eating habits like having too much tea, coffee, cold- drinks, junk, spicy, oily food etc.
  • Stomach ailments like Ulcers, Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) etc.
  • A bad lifestyle like taking too much stress, sleeping less, smoking, drinking alcohol etc.

Home Remedies for Acidity:

  • Fennel or Saunf :

Having around 1 teaspoon fennel powder with a glass of warm water relieves acidity and its symptoms like heartburn, bloating and improves digestion.

  • Black Cumin Seeds:

Chew cumin seeds directly or boil 1 teaspoon of them in a glass of water and drink it to relieve acidity.

Black cumin seeds are gastro-protective. They are effective in reducing and preventing acidity and its symptoms like heartburn, pain, nausea, bloating, constipation etc.

  • Cloves:

Suck a piece of clove to get rid of acidity and its symptoms like flatulence, indigestion, nausea, gastric irritability etc. [3]

  • Lukewarm Water :

Drinking a glass of lukewarm water empty stomach and before going to sleep at night, provides relief from acidity.

  • Watermelon Juice:

A glass of watermelon juice is effective in relieving acidity and is good for digestion as well.

  • Cardamom:

Chewing 1 cardamom pod every day helps to prevent acidity, flatulence and improves digestion

  • Buttermilk:

Lactic acid in buttermilk normalizes the acidity in the stomach and gives a soothing effect. A glass of buttermilk topped with black pepper and coriander helps in instantly easing our symptoms of acidity.

  • Ginger:

Chewing raw ginger or drinking ginger tea helps prevent acidity and its symptoms. It also aids digestion.

  • Banana:

Consuming banana neutralizes acidity and gives relief from heartburn.

A mixture of milk and banana helps to suppress excess acid secretion.

  • Papaya:

Papaya reduces gastric acid secretion and gives relief from acidity.

This effect is due to enzyme papain,  present in papaya.

  • Ajwain:

Consumption of ajwain gives relief from acidity and flatulence. It is very good for digestion and is an effective anti-acidic agent.

  • Cold Milk:

Drinking a glass of cold milk instantly relieves acidity.

  • Baking Soda:

Consuming 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 1/2 cup of water gives quick relief from acidity and heartburn.

  • Turmeric:

Adding turmeric to our diet relieves acidity and heartburn caused by it.

In addition to the above, certain lifestyle changes can also help to prevent acidity. They are  :

  • Stay active and engage in any kind exercise, be it swimming, cycling, dancing or any of your favourite sport
  • Eat smaller meals, 4 to 5 times a day
  • Have your dinner early, at least  2 hours before you hit the bed
  • Don’t overeat and chew your food well while eating
  • Don’t lie down immediately after a meal
  • Lose weight if you are overweight or obese
  • Raise the head end of your bed while lying down
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

Avoid Foods That Trigger Acidity like:

Very spicy and oily food

  • Tea, coffee, cold drinks
  • Raw onions, garlic
  • Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, kiwis
  • Tomatoes
  • Junk food etc